Saturday, December 27, 2008

In a brief meeting the
FayetteviNe Housing Authority
today approved a basic
feasibility study for The Old
Post Office Building on the
The study to be performs
by McBryde, Crisp am
Associates, a local iiidustria
engineering concern, will in
chide alternate use, preliminary
design and cost estimates.
The unanimous decision carrn
arier Chad Kumpe, executive
director, reported the study I:
being done to find out what "wi
have in Hie building, *md wha
it would take to convert ini
alternate use." The study wii
not be restricted to one idea
We need to have some alter
nates in-Ue event the city do.
not have the money fo conver
the building into just city
ftccs," Kumpc said.
, Kumpe said that one of th
most expensive propositions
necessary for use as a bnildin
for cily offices is filling o
a floor in the 17-fool lobby
which might not be nccessar
if an alternate use was plannc<
He said that estimates I
convert the building to a lull
used office building are
excess of $300,MO.
;Kumpe said that no offici
reports have been received b
the city but discussions \
City Manager Don Grime
indicated he (Grimes) won' sec proposes for oth<
uses as conversion will 1
expensive, the city has r
money now, and expansion \v.
make the building iradequa
in a relatively short period
time for city offices.
Mayor Marion Or ton, wi
was prescn\, said a riccisi<
could he made Itater. but
seems reasonable to
alternate uses studied.
Kumpc pointed out
feasibility study is the type
study any investor would ma!
arid the cost of the study, s
at $5,600. will be added to t
purchase price.
The post office building w
scheduled to be turned over
the'City when Urban Rene
is- phased out at the end
this year. __

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