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The top of this stormwater-collection box was undamaged until a front-end loader parked on top of it as it was scraping the street and spreading hotmix on the street. And there was no danger of a highly dangerous pollutant starting its journey to Beaver Lake from that point until the "renovation" of the square started.
Has anyone met a person who thought the square needed renovation? I have talked to dozens and the only one who could see an advantage to replacing the sidewalk was a young man with a skateboard, who said that a smooth sidewalk would be better for skaters. The old pebbly surface seemed perfect to people whose priority is avoiding the danger of falling on a slick surface.
Please scroll down this blog to see related photos of the work on the square being inspected late last week.
This is ugly. You are right. The city has to set an example.
And the council absolutely must call Combs on the carpet on March 4 and table his plan until he removes most of that red dirt at Stonebridge Square and puts things right. Isn't this the sustainability center of the universe?
Why would that be hot mix if they are milling the parking spots? Are you sure it isn't old asphalt that has been milled? The sequence just doesn't make any sense.
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